Eileen Dolan: edolan@nyli.org
Please send an email if you would like to be added to our list.
The LLAGNY Graphic Novel Book Club began in 2015 at the New York Law Institute (NYLI). NYLI provided space for members of the New York Law
Institute community and LLAGNY to connect over reading. In 2019 we asked LLAGNY if we could be sponsored by the Education Committee. The Board agreed. NYLI continued to host meeting in person, but now we are using WebEx and Zoom.
Realizing how busy people are, we focus on quick reads. We hope you will join us for some fun and thought provoking conversations!
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we've brought our graphic novel book club online.
We’re all dealing with a lot right now! Join as you like, discuss as much as you want--or just hang out and enjoy the company. All LLAGNY members are welcome. Just RSVP so we know how many to expect, and we’ll send out a Zoom link the week of the meeting.
Our next meeting will be held:
Thursday April 24th @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
We hope you’ll join us!
What We've Got Planned Next
We are very excited to be bringing you our lunchtime meeting group within an online forum. Up next in November we will discuss Botticelli's Apprentice by Ursula Murray Husted.
Each meeting will feature stand-alone discussions from each book, so attendance at each meeting is not necessary to following along.
Copies of graphic novels are available at Amazon.com and NYPL.
Spring/Summer meeting schedule
Virtual snacks will be served. We’ll be meeting via Zoom, invites sent the week of the meeting.